How to Set the Default Program to Open a Certain Type of File in Mac OS X

How to Set the Default Program to Open a Certain Type of File in Mac OS X

You can easily set the default program to open certain file types from any “Get Info” window, from any file in Mac OS X. It is the common problem that people have faced in different operating systems and they remain confused instead of finding the solution. This site “Bittbox” provides the useful tips that will…

Dashboard Widgets are Going Downhill Fast

When Dashboard was an infant, Apple provided developers with guidelines for developing effective and useful dashboard widgets. If you look at the “Top 50” Dashboard widgets on the Apple Downloads site, you will find that a good portion of the most popular widgets don’t even follow Apple’s guidelines. At All. Apple’s guidelines for developing Dashboard…

How to get your Applications Folder in your Dock – Mac OS X

How to get your Applications Folder in your Dock – Mac OS X

Putting your applications folder in your dock enables you to get rid of icons in your dock that you rarely use, and still have 1-click access to all of your installed applications. This not only keeps your dock clutter-free, but it also makes it easier to navigate to your applications folder after you install an…