Premium Small Business & Corporate WordPress Themes for Inspiration
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Launching your new small business can be a real hassle. There are always a million other things to be handling related to accounting, marketing, project management, and other various tasks. Getting your new website up online can be one of the slowest processes if you aren't prepared. But thankfully if you do not want to craft an entire layout from scratch there are dozens of WordPress themes to choose from instead!
I've spent some time perusing the most interesting WordPress premium themes for new company launches. Any of these templates would be an added benefit to your company. Plus it can save you over a week of time from handling the website design, coding the theme, and then checking for bug fixes. These templates are already fully coded and support the latest version of WordPress 3.5+. Check out a few samples and see what you think.
ListingPress is a WordPress premium theme geared towards real estate agents & companies. The design is almost too perfect to pass up if you are in this field of work. The homepage features related listings along with locations and search features.
The Overgrowth theme stands out as a very plain white template. It leads users deeper into the content because of typography styles and elusive imagery. But oddly enough the website layout is also designed for retina devices. This means each of the images uses an @2x variant on the more dense retina screens.
Glider is a typical WordPress theme focused around the image slideshows. I have been really impressed with the actual frontend coding on this theme. All of the HTML and CSS is very neatly organized. Any WP developer should have no problem customizing this theme to their own liking.
K. Responsive
K. Responsive WordPress theme is a great choice for a design agency or local business. The flat website layout is easy to navigate and provides a very intuitive feeling. Just checking out the live demo and watching the responsive features really makes this theme a pin above the rest. It is also a single-page parallax scrolling layout which is even more exotic.
Minett is designed as a modern responsive WordPress theme. It should be used for typical agencies or companies within the tech/Internet arena. The whole design is based on a 12-grid system using metro blocks and darker colors. I really like the template and it could be put to good use by any number of companies.
Metronomy is a similar theme that uses blues and greys to blend the text into the layout. I really like the heading area because it is small yet easy to navigate. The text is super easy to read even on mobile devices. This is why Metronomy is such a great responsive theme for corporations.
Nuzzi stands out as a retina-display optimized responsive business theme. The top heading section contains a content slider which you may adjust in the backend. But the top navigation with dropdown menus is what stands out to me the most. Each link icon will update on hover and it provides a beautiful user experience.
BuMagic is a clean responsive business WordPress theme for developers. It provides an exceptional template for getting started when you just need to get something online. I really like the minimalist approach which stands out more than the complicated textures.
Tfingi seems to be a really basic theme with a multitude of color choices. You can select from any number of color schemes to display right on the homepage. There are also plenty of great shortcodes which relate to buttons, inputs, and image slideshows. Check out the live sample demo to see everything that this theme has to offer.
Reclame WordPress premium theme is a brilliant HTML5 layout designed for any business. It uses dark text with a light background along with colorful link animations. I particularly enjoy the featured icons listings where the background changes color as you hover.
Olympus is a retina-ready responsive WordPress theme for small businesses. The colors are easy to blend and they really stand out when skimming through content on the site. Each dropdown section in the top navigation may span a number of columns. This can be useful if your company has a lot of pages which all need to be linked from the same nav menu.
The Circles WordPress theme is really cute and goes perfectly with almost any topic. The design features 4 main layout types which are all adjustable from the backend. The blog itself also has variations which you can update to blend nicely for your business needs.
Inceptio is a responsive multi-purpose theme which is designed to be used for an Internet media company. You can use this for practically any company, but the design features and homepage slider often favor portfolio entries. The footer section has 3 different block areas which are great for publishing your company ideologies.
Minicorp WordPress theme really is a mini corporation website. It focuses on flat website UI along with a common responsive navigation menu. As you resize the page some of the elements will drop off and remain hidden. This is a truly brilliant company website if you have a bit of time for customizing the page elements.
How many writers are looking to publish their own eBooks online? Well the eBookie premium theme is an excellent choice for launching your site. This responsive theme is designed to focus around your new book launch, and hopefully draw in paying customers from the landing page.
Now Webbie is a little different in that this theme is geared towards marketing your Internet company online. This is a great template for setting up your own eBook shop, or selling website templates or WP plugins. The Webbie theme favors creative professionals who are building their own products to sell online.
Blandit may seem to imply the more bland nature of this website layout. But in some cases your business really just needs a simple, bland interface for visitors to gather information. How much more could you ask for? I would certainly recommend Blandit as an easy to use, easy to customize WordPress theme which fits any company niche.
The Vertex theme is beautiful because of its elegant typography. You can setup a custom logo right at the top next to the heading navigation which blends perfectly into the image slideshow. I really like the simplicity of this layout because it forces visitors to focus on your content. Check out the live demo preview to get a better idea.
Fusion is an interesting WP premium choice which has a fullscreen background image in most of the page layouts. This can be adjusted within the CSS to fit anything your company needs. I really do like this theme and it is worth checking out if you have the time.
For software developers and open source projects I must recommend the MyProduct theme. This is practically a showcase website layout built using WordPress to offer sales of your latest application. Both desktop and mobile platforms could benefit using this theme as a marketing point. But the template will need a few customizations before going up online.
The business world is full of restaurants which really need an Internet presence. MyCuisine is an exceptional WordPress theme based around this exact niche. The price is very reasonable to get up your own website online quickly without very many customizations.
The MyApp theme is very similar to MyProduct, except this time it is based around mobile applications. Often times developers will launch a new mobile app and create its own homepage website too. This WordPress theme is perfect for developers who need a quick solution to getting their app website online.
The best part about Glider is the fixed sidebar navigation interface. This may not be very common among other business websites, but it does advance the user experience to a whole new level. I think this template is at least worth testing just to see if you could use it. This will not fit every company but it is at least worth looking into as an alternative.
The Corporation
The Corporation is my final example in this collection of business themes. WordPress does come out-of-the-box with a fantastic number of settings. This corporate theme is sleek, easy to use, and provides lots of extra space for offbeat content. It is just another choice you may find useful instead of building your own theme from scratch.
Final Thoughts
Not every new company launch will need its own website. Sometimes there are other more pressing issues to deal with, or you may be using an alternative website to handle contacts. I would recommend that new companies plan out their website in advance. This way your agenda will be set in motion before even tackling any big projects! Although this is a wonderful collection, continue to browse some other templates and see if you can pick out the perfect choice for your business.