How to Hire a Remote Developer for Your Startup in 2022
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The IT sphere is growing very rapidly, covering more and more aspects of our lives: AI, analytics, robotics, integrating new technologies into business, and more. The growth trend will remain high, according to foreign analysts' estimates, until 2026.
The IT field attracts many people. Both those who are just deciding on their future profession and those who want to change their lives. To get here is easy enough: there's a huge number of paid and free training courses. A good incentive is that large enterprises themselves are ready to teach people from scratch “for themselves”. What specialists are in the most demand now? And how can you hire a remote developer?
The Most Popular Developers in 2022
Web Developer
A web developer creates and maintains websites and applications. There are three main areas: frontend (external, visual part of the site), backend (server-side), and full-stack (both).
The pandemic has given an impetus to the development of cloud services, and businesses are looking for effective IT solutions and implementing digital tools. So every company needs a senior developer.
Mobile Developer
A mobile developer creates and maintains applications for any iOS and Android device, from smartphones to watches.
The profession is in demand: on the global market, the demand for mobile apps is steadily higher than for desktop apps. The global capitalization of mobile development is estimated at $6.3 trillion (three years ago it was $1.3 trillion). The pandemic has accelerated the shift of businesses to online, and the growth of online commerce and related areas continues, with business owners looking to reach as many audiences as possible by creating apps for both iOS and Android.
Game Developer
A game developer uses game engines and programming languages to create games for VR, PC, mobile devices, and consoles. The outlook for the profession is good: the gaming industry was estimated at $173.7 billion in 2020 and will grow at an average annual rate of 9.64% to $314.4 billion through 2026.
Software Tester
A product can be tested either manually or you can write scripts that will do it automatically. Automation in testing is popular and pays 20% more, but applicants need more skills: the ability to write autotests in Python, Java, or Kotlin. The testing profession is one of the easiest ways to enter the growing IT field.
Data Scientist
A data scientist organizes load streams and processes data. He deals with ETL processes, i.e. he processes data: takes it out (extract) from raw sources, transforms it (transform), and loads it (load).
The amount of data is growing exponentially, so companies come up with new, more efficient ways to work with it. To do this, they need employees who optimize processes and deliver data that has already been prepared.
ML Specialist
A machine learning specialist builds models that can self-learn to identify complex patterns in data and help businesses solve difficult practical problems. A lot of companies are in need of data annotators now.
According to Gartner researchers, innovations in artificial intelligence are advancing rapidly, and the mass adoption of computer vision and machine learning could transform the market in the coming years. And according to McKinsey Analytics, 57% of medium and large businesses worldwide have already implemented or are about to implement artificial intelligence and neural networks into their work processes.
Data Analyst
A data analyst analyzes big data: collects and processes it, builds hypotheses, and visualizes results.
In 2021, the demand for data analysts increased by 222%. Experts note that companies are ready to hire specialists even without experience.
Product Analyst
A product analyst analyzes user interactions with a product to help a company retain and increase customers. Product analytics comes from allied specialties, including data analytics, as they use similar tools: Python, SQL, Tableau, and Google Analytics.
Where to Find Such Specialists?
In a rapidly evolving globalized society, there are many highly specialized people and companies that are best able to perform one function and do it faster/better/cheaper than others. A prime example of this is the widespread move of large companies' call centers to India, which saves a lot of resources (people's salaries, facilities, telecommunications, taxes, etc.).
Similarly, it is very easy to imagine outsourcing programming. Hiring a developer is not easy, so outsourcing can help you with that.
Outsourcing is the transfer of part of the functions to an outside company (companies). The outsourcing process is useful for:
- optimization of the company's activities;
- speeding up the performance of certain actions;
- reduce the cost of certain activities;
- improving the quality of certain functions.
When Is It Useful?
Outsourcing programming will be useful in the following cases:
- The company does not have the resources, knowledge, and funds to hire specific programming specialists to solve certain tasks;
- The company has too many different tasks that change frequently, or that can not be predicted in advance – for such purposes it is not reasonable to keep in their staff fully paid programmers, not loading them with work, because they are quite expensive specialists in the labor market;
- When you need to do something cheaper/faster/more qualitative than the staff programmers could do.
In these and other similar cases, it is advisable to turn to specialized companies that have their own permanent staff of skilled professionals who are ready to perform your single task or become a stream of your tasks, gradually or if necessary, closing them.
What Does Programming Outsourcing Include?
First of all, outsourcing is useful in that you usually get the original or better quality for less money. In the case of IT tasks, it can be cheaper because of the involvement of specialists from the regions or other countries. Typically, in developing countries, the cost of a mid-level IT programmer can be dozens of times less than in the emerging markets and sometimes hundreds of times less than in developed markets.
IT outsourcing includes:
- execution of a pool of assigned tasks;
- reporting on the time spent on the work (time-tracking);
- bug fixing;
- testing;
- installation and integration into the process.
The Impact of Outsourcing on Startups
The main metric for the success of any product is the number of users. The better an app solves a user's problem, the more users will use it.
The problem is that it is impossible to know in advance what users need. All the ideas that the founder says are untested hypotheses. The job of the IT development team is to find a cheap mechanism to test, and if the idea proves to be true, a quality solution for “live” implementation. Many founders want to leapfrog verification, believing that the idea doesn't need to be verified. Some even have reason to think so, but more than half of the startups close because the idea is not vetted. This is already a fact that is hard to argue.
That is why your goal setting must be based on the context of “what you need to do to get the first downloads, the first clients, the first constantly paying clients. Not a million, but a dozen people.
Accordingly, the entire development of the first version comes down to serving a couple of dozen users. This is not about profit, but about testing the idea in small numbers.
Then the application is created at the discretion of the remote development team, the marketing component is launched until the mass of users that was declared at the start.
After that, the founder collects feedback from users and, already relying on their opinions, sets the next task and, after its implementation, the application attracts already one to two hundred new users. The basic experience is taken into account and the number of respondents can be increased. Further iterations are repeated.
This is how, by adding literally one or two functions, you can develop the application without wasting time on coordinating prototypes, frameworks, and testing all the possible variants of user scenarios.
In such a situation, the smartest solution is to turn to outsourced development. A team of dedicated developers knows exactly what is needed to develop the product. Also, outsourcing development can reduce costs, which is a big plus for a startup.
Outsourcing is a great solution for a startup. As it will help save a lot of time and money.